Prayer Ministry Eight Weeks of Prayer Prayer Vigil
Card Ministry Encouragement, get well, sympathy, Christmas, birthday, anniversary - 1,066 cards sent in 2020
Phone Ministry Contacting church members who are isolated at home to brighten their day.
Prayer Shawl Ministry A prayer shawl, blanket or quilt is given to anyone in need of prayer and a reminder that they are prayed for. 53 shawls/blankets/quilts donated - 46 recipients in 2020
Journey to Bethlehem Members and their families and community members walked 6,300 miles in 40 days.
Monthly Connections Ministry Connect monthly with shut-ins and members staying at home due to the pandemic. Connect through phone calls, emails, texts, cards, dropping off or mailing Strength for the Day, Portals of Prayer, bakery or fruit for Luther Manor residents.
and so much more
For information about our Family Connections Ministry, contact: